Sunday, March 10, 2013

Jaxen Robert Sommerfeld

I was originally just going to do a quick post telling of my easy delivery and show some nice pictures of my baby. But this little guy had a different idea. He made for one heck of a birth story and I feel that story needs justice in sharing it.
You know how you like to go to the hospital with a birth plan all ready, and realize it might not go exactly according to plan, but you hope to stick relatively close...that's what I expected, especially with this being my third. I had two very easy delivery's and with an extremely normal, uncomplicated pregnancy I kind of expected number three would almost walk out. The only reason I did write up a birth plan was because I was at a new hospital. It went something like this.
- as natural as possible
- will take epidural though
-no c-section unless emergency
-calm atmosphere
- hold baby right away
I pretty much had to throw out the whole list. To start. I wasn't planning on being induced. I had hope of an early or close to on time delivery. I figured with all the walking I did it would help. Well I had to be induced. I kept saying this baby just doesn't want to come out. I called to find out when I should come in and they told me 9:00am. But when I got there they were busy and asked me to wait till 9:30. In the meantime they would do some fetal monitoring a check me. Things looked hopeful, the nurse told me baby was looking good, head was low and I was 2-3 cm and fairly thinned out. She assured me they would break my water and that should hopefully get things started. Next problem they now couldn't get me in until 2:00. So Mike and I went walking. We went for lunch walked around winners and then headed back to the hospital. I was finally admitted at 2:00 pm. 5 hrs after what I originally thought. The doctor came and checked me and gave me the next unexpected news. I wasn't thinned out and needed cervidill. Which had to sit for 6 hrs. More waiting. No breaking my water. We walked a bit, sat a bit, played some cards, chatted and our photographer arrived. I had a few contractions here and there, none very strong and all short lived. The doctor was supposed to come check my progression at 9:15. She didn't come until about 11:00. Did I mention I had been up since 5:15 that morning with Mason...who was very excited to meet his brother, I was exhausted by this point and I had only just begun to have some regular contractions. I knew it was going to be a long night.
When the doctor checked me she said I was ready to have my water broken....yay....some good news. But she questioned me when my last ultrasound was. I told her 4 days ago, and she asked if head was down, to which I responded yes. His head had been down my entire pregnancy. She seems confused and tells me she is going to check again. She brings in the scanner, and tells me he is not head down down....but a bum down baby. I was in complete and when on earth could he have turned?  As I am thinking back, I am 98% sure I know when it happened....just hours before when I was trying to change positions to offer some pain relief there was a huge pain and hard spot in my lower abdomen....I think that must have been his head coming up. I am still baffled that he turned. And trying to make the situation light I joked that " I told you he didn't want to come out! He is really trying to stay in now."
But there was also a huge flood of emotions as everything set in. I knew I would most likely have to have a Caesarian. But my doctor called in other doctors and we began to talk out our options. Examining the baby more he was in an ideal breech position....if I were to still attempt a vaginal delivery. He told me it is not common, but I would be a good candidate because of his position and that I had already delivered 2 babies. But he also went on to explain the risks. The possibility that I could start to deliver him and his head could get stuck, and we could lose him. He talked to me about a c-section and what it would entail. He weighed out the pros and cons with me and told me it was completely my decision but if I were his wife he would recommend the c-section. Why risk harming a perfectly healthy baby. He also mentioned that while he was comfortable trying the breech delivery his shift ended at 7:30 that morning and if my labour hasn't progressed by then and he left another doctor might come in who wouldn't deliver me and send me for a c-section anyways. Prior to making any decisions on all of this I also had the anesthesiologist come in to give me my epidural that I wanted. I discussed with him what my pain choices would be with a Caesarian. I could have a c-section with a high dose epidural, or if I decided right then to get the c-section they would give me a spinal tap. I had so many decisions to make, through contractions, at an extremely emotional vulnerable time. I asked for a bit of time to decide. The anesthesiologist (Dave) recommended the epidural to get me started so I could relax and think. I got the epidural, talked with Mike, called and talked with my mom. There were a lot of tears. A c-section was the very last thing I had wanted and it was completely unexpected. And I was terrified.....terrified of being cut open, of trying to recover with three kids, the possibility of feeling pain during the procedure. I was an emotional wreck.
Somehow through it all we decided to go with a c-section. I didn't want to risk harming my baby. But the next problem epidural wasn't complete....I still had some feeling on my right side. Dave gave me a stronger dose, but it still did not completely take on the right side. I mentioned again that I did not want to feel having a c-section. He told me they would take out the epidural and give me a spinal tap. I was wheeled down to the operating room, and prepped. During the prep for the spinal tap I got really nauseous and threw up. They cleaned me I had little feeling in my lower body from the epidural, I felt helpless.  They finished up the spinal and set up the cover then Mike and Meaghan (the photographer) came in. A combination of the medication and my nerves sent me into the shakes. I was shivering a lot.  I was very scared....but I didn't feel anything and before I knew it I heard the sweet squeals come from my baby who was now safely out. A new flood of emotion washed over me  and I got to see my son, just not hold him quite yet. He weighed in at 6 lbs 13 oz, he was 19 3/4 inches long and was born at 2:44am. I was so glad he was here.
Once in  recovery they told me it is usually two hours before anesthetic wears off, but because I had had both it would probably be longer. I got to hold my baby, and nurse him, and try to figure out a what to name him. We decided on Jaxen Robert Sommerfeld. Robert is Mikes middle name and we liked being able to pass it on. I was in recovery for  6 long hours before I could finally move my legs enough. The rest didn't wear off for a few more hours. Lol, I guess I got my wish for not feeling a thing.
I am happy my baby is here, though it was quite the emotional journey getting him here. I am extremely grateful that we were able to catch that experience on film to remember. Meaghan did an amazing job, and I will cherish those pictures forever. You can see them on her blog here!
The road to recovery will be a little longer, but we have an amazing support group of friends who have been working around the clock to take care of my family. I feel so blessed and grateful for that. And more blessed to have this new addition to our family.


  1. Good job, Carla! I wish I could come give you a hug and hold your babies. Keep your chin up :) (That's what my mom says, anyway.) Prayer is powerful!

  2. The photos are beautiful Carla (& Meaghan). They gave only enough for us voyeurs to know it was an difficult time for you.

    I'm so glad you have the mom you have, she is wonderful and I'm sure a solid support for whatever you would have finally decided.

    I look forward to meeting Jaxen (pronounced Jackson right?). I like your spelling and the name, there is mystery with it. A good mysterious thing.
    Hey, you could call him Richard Robert! Richard for your maiden name. (Ricky Bob for short--ok that doesn't really sell it does it!)

    Take care and I hope RS comes through for you...tell them Auntie Libby expects them to do for you what she can't, ok Mike?

  3. Oh Carla !! This was incredible to read, thank you for sharing! I hope you're all doing awesome!
